Smarter Creativity

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An Ode To Creative Work, By Behance

A film about the opportunity, hardship and responsibility of creative work.
Behind every great advancement, in every industry, there is a creative mind. Creativity may come easy, but creation is hard.The late nights spent trying, and failing, and trying again.
All the while, holding onto our vision. Pushing what we see in our mind's eye into the world.
But our potential is being held captive by forces around us and within us. Middle men who play us down while marking us up.Not giving us credit. Getting us to work for free.
And worse, we get in the way of our own success.We rely on chance encounters. We’re disorganized and isolated, liable to go unnoticed. We can do better.
When creative minds come together, the sum exceeds all expectations.We connect, we learn, we critique, we prosper. 
It's not about money or fame, it's about doing what we love.It's about creating our greatest work on our own terms.It’s about realizing that creativity is not just an opportunity - it's a responsibility. 
Here's to unleashing our full potential. For us, and for the world that awaits what we will do next; Take creative control.

After the past week and a half this was the perfect thing to see to get me back into a creative frame of mind.

Production: m ss ng p eces

Creative Direction & Writing: Behance

Music Composition: Josh Peck


Jeff Staple, Carole Feuerman, Suzannah Wainhouse, Fernando Mastrangelo,Sougwen Chung, Mother NY, Michael Ian Kaye,Michael Szivos (SOFTlab), Sagmeister & Walsh,Rebecca Ward, VEDAJames Victore